EMBRACING LIFE’S UPS AND DOWNS: Ashe Lamiroult’s Take on Lifestyle, Wellness and Beyond

Ashe Lamiroult

Meet Ashe Lamiroult, your hostess with the mostess and a life story that’s nothing less than a wild rollercoaster ride through cancer battles, autism advocacy, TV fame (both classy and trashy), and even some fashion flair. Although just a third into their journey called life (yup, they’re a “they” – deal with it), Ashe brings a unique and broad perspective on serious topics like fashion’s role in warfare, to the not-so-serious, like dissecting Twilight. Whatever you’re into, or not into, Ashe’s got it all covered. Tune in and prepare yourself for a treat – laughter, mystery, dazzle, and a fresh curiosity about the world around you. Welcome to I’m D3ad, a podcast that says, if you’re gonna eventually die, ya might as well enjoy it now!

Tune into I’m D3ad here, on YouTube or wherever the I’m D3ad podcast is streaming.

I’m D3ad is a production of Planet Redd. Check out all of our shows at planetredd.com.

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